From the start, we wanted to make the application accessible to all entrepreneurs. This application had to be in the hands of everyone who had a business project. The objective is to allow all entrepreneurs to start their business without paying a cent in the cash register. We have not changed this formula and still want to give more to these courageous entrepreneurs!
So yes, Tunder is free and will remain free, with no time limit.
Now, for such a model to survive, we still need to find a way to get paid to operate this application: Pay salaries, the tools that allow us to develop this cash register application available to thousands of traders around the world!
So we chose the Freemium model!
The Freemium it is a model that we are all familiar with. Companies like Gmail, LinkedIn, Spotify, Dropbox, Tinder... follow this Freemium model. Just like Tunder.
It is a model that is not new and has proven its worth: part of the application is free (forever) and another part of the application is chargeable (in particular for advanced uses of functionalities).
The free version is what makes users download the application and use it. At Tunder, we have chosen a free plan that is very generous in terms of functionality. There is no need to pay 1 cent to use the app.
Anyone can download the app and use it with no time limit! This is the advantage of freemium, the user is not limited by time (no trial period of 7 days, 14 days, 30 days...). Everyone goes at their own pace. It's perfect when the entrepreneur wants to do a cash comparison. He is not pressed for time and will make the right choice. That's why we need to have a perfect application!
Who says free, says share. If you give free access, this encourages merchants to spread the word to share the application with their friends and colleagues. This is the virtuous circle of the Freemium model.
The more users we have, the more user feedback we get to improve the product. Because committed users are ready to help us fix, improve or add features. That's how we're constantly improving and listening to our customers to make Tunder the best free cash register!
We're showing everyone our next features. It's a development plan co-built with our users: Here is the link to find out everything about the future of Tunder!
We hunt bugs, we make sure that everything is under control before doing an update! That's why you won't see reviews on the stores (Google Play and Apple Store) feedback on the Thunder bugs!
We closely monitor bugs on our analysis tools so that each identified problem is not corrected as soon as possible! The more use we have, the more confident we are about the quality of the application.
For some (1% of users), the free version is too limited and we allow them to access a paid version that offers all the features. That's how we get paid. This approach allows retailers to contribute to the development of the application. It's a win-win!
Key features, such as online backup and sales exports are advanced (or limited) features. Tunder provides either one-time purchases (for exports) or an unlimited subscription (among the cheapest on the market). That's the Thunder spirit. We want to make quality technology accessible to as many people as possible ✌️.
Who is the target of the Tunder app?
The users who could use our application are small businesses, independent entrepreneurs, and self-employed individuals who need a simple and accessible cash management solution.
The freemium feature allows them to try out the application without having to spend any money, while offering them the option to unlock additional features based on their specific needs.
In short, a freemium cash register can be an excellent option for customers who are looking for a free and adaptable solution to manage their business.