
Tunder is a 100% offline, anonymous cash register on smartphone and tablet that allows you to sell at lightning speed ⚡

Managing items

Create items

Create items

Create unlimited items for your case, assign a fixed or variable price, a category, a tax

Create categories

Create categories

Easily find your items by grouping them by categories. Analyze the categories that perform best. Illustrate your categories with 800 icons.

Create discounts

Create discounts

Create discounts when selling by value or percentage. Assign these discounts to the item or to the entire ticket.

Item at a fixed price

Item at a fixed price

By default, the item price is fixed. This is the price including VAT displayed to the customer.

Negative price item

Negative price item

Use a negative price to easily give change to a locker, for example.

Vente au poids, temps...

Vente au poids, temps...

Choisissez l’unité de vente (poids, temps, longueur…) et renseignez la quantité directement lors de la vente.

Variable price item

Variable price item

The variable-price item allows you to enter the price at the time of sale. Very practical when selling by weight, meter, time, distance.


Cash in a snap

Cash in a snap

Clicks are optimized. In two clicks, you can cash in a customer and move on to the next sale. The amounts due are pre-filled.

Train yourself with test mode

Train yourself with test mode

The test mode allows you to train or train new cashiers without leaving a trace on sales and the real turnover of your store. All test sales history remains visible when the mode is activated.

Print cash receipts via Bluetooth or WiFi

Print cash receipts via Bluetooth or WiFi

Instant connection, hassle-free. Print personalized cash receipts from your smartphone or tablet.

Send e-receipt tickets

Send e-receipt tickets

Send a digital sales receipt in PDF in one click via the app of your choice (Whatsapp, Messenger, E-mail, MMS...). Very handy when you don't have a printer

Create QR code menus for restaurants

Create QR code menus for restaurants

No more paper menus, make way for digital menus with QR codes. Share the QR code in one click. Your customers will no longer wait for the menu to order, no longer need to print your menu in several languages.

Imprimez des bons de commande

Imprimez des bons de commande

Imprimez des bons de commande pour la cuisine ou pour le bar. Sélectionnez les articles à imprimer ou non sur chaque imprimante.

Automatically print a sales receipt

Automatically print a sales receipt

Automatically print a sales receipt after each sale on your Bluetooth printer.

Print on demand with eco mode

Print on demand with eco mode

Print your receipts only on demand. Preserve a lot of unnecessary receipts.

Add a comment

Add a comment

Add a comment during the sale and it will appear on the receipt and the sales export. Add comments after the sale and they will be added to the sales export.

Change the quantity of the item

Change the quantity of the item

During the sale, it is sometimes necessary to change the quantity of an item (the customer changes his mind, add a quantity of an item on the fly). Press + or - to change quantity.

Export sales

Export sales data in one click

Export sales data in one click

Export your sales, taxes, discounts... in Excel format with the application of your choice (Whatsapp, email, SMS...) in one click. Your accountant will be happy!

Export sales by item

Export sales by item

The sales export lists all sales made over a defined period of time. It includes the item's sales number, quantities, prices, taxes, and discounts. One line per item.

Export sales by category

Export sales by category

The export of sales by category includes all sales by category over the chosen period. One line per category. It shows the quantity of items sold and the total amount of sales.

Export sales by payment method

Export sales by payment method

The export of sales by payment method lists all the payment methods used per sale. It includes the sale number, the list of items, the methods of payment, the taxes and the total. One line per sale.

Export taxes

Export taxes

The tax export lists all taxes and the amount of tax collected. One line per tax. It includes the tax title, the rate and the total amount collected.

Exporting sessions

Exporting sessions

Exporting sessions allows you to see the cash register situation at a glance. All the totals necessary to close your cash register: Total refunds, discounts, taxes, cash, bank card.

Export discounts

Export discounts

The discount export calculates, per discount, the total amount of discounts made over the selected period. One line per discount. It contains the title of the discount, the value of the discount (percentage or value), the total amount discounted.

Sales management and analysis

Refund a sale

Refund a sale

Refunding a sale allows you to cancel the sale. An identical negative sale is generated. You are asked to choose a reason when refunding the sale (sale canceled, input error, damaged item).

Duplicate receipt

Duplicate receipt

After the sale, it is possible to print a duplicate or send it as an e-ticket. The word Duplicate will appear on the receipt.

Sales tracking

Sales tracking

A quick glance allows you to see the turnover according to the selected period (day, month, everything). The turnover is displayed according to the selected currency.

Filter dates on a calendar

Filter dates on a calendar

In addition to the default date filters, customize your date filters to analyze the sales period or to export on specific dates.



Track all your sales through the dashboard. Make decisions based on your sales data. Check your sales per hour, average ticket, top articles, top categories...


Connect multiple devices to your account

Connect multiple devices to your account

Add Apple or Android tablets or mobile phones to your account to sell on multiple devices and share the catalog and sales

Créer un PIN code

Créer un PIN code

Sécurisez votre caisse avec un code PIN. Bloquer l'accès à certaines pages de l'application. Gérez l'accès sur tous les appareils connectés à votre boutique/

Personalize cash receipts

Personalize cash receipts

Add the name of your company, a header (address, telephone number, SIRET...), a footer (Thanks, wifi code, website, social networks). No character limit.

Add payment methods

Add payment methods

Add as many payment methods as you want: Restaurant ticket, gift card, web payment...

Back up your data online

Back up your data online

Save and recover your data in one click (in case of loss, breakage or change of your device)

Create taxes

Create taxes

Create as many taxes as necessary (5.5%, 20%, 10%...). Taxes are included or added to item prices.

Choose the language on the checkout

Choose the language on the checkout

Choose the language of your choice from more than a dozen languages managed by Tunder.

Choose the currency of your cash register

Choose the currency of your cash register

Choose the currency you want to use to sell your items. Tunder handles over 150 currencies.

What are the upcoming features?


Does Tunder sync across multiple devices?

Yes, it is possible to synchronize several devices between them. Sales, product catalogs, sales exports. All of these elements are synchronized in real time. To benefit from this feature, you must subscribe to the TEAMS subscription.

How do I cash out with a card reader ?

Tunder does not sync with card readers. This will not prevent you from using the card reader of your choice. When selling, you must enter the amount on the card reader and on the Tunder app (two entries).